Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic, including “long COVID,” has created extensive and profound negative impacts on populations across the US and devastated the health landscape in many ways, including over 96 million diagnosed cases leading to over one million deaths in just two years. At the same time, COVID has created a socioeconomic crisis that will likely negatively impact many Latinos and each of us for decades to come. This toxic constellation of complex COVID-related conditions requires significant attention and resource allocations.
On October 19, the Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative at Brookings hosted a webinar about the impact of long COVID-19 on Latino communities. This event brought together experts from the Brookings Governance Studies program and the Latino Policy Forum to discuss ways to address this burgeoning challenge. Researchers presented and summarized recent findings focused on the socioeconomic consequences of COVID for Latinos in the US.
Viewers submitted questions for speakers by emailing [email protected] or via Twitter at @BrookingsGov by using #LatinoFamiliesCOVID.
October 19
Dr. Marina Del Rios Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine - University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and Illinois Unidos @DraCoquiMD -
Panel 1
Camille Busette Vice President and Director - Governance Studies, Director - Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative @CamilleBusettePanelist
Dr. Marina Del Rios Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine - University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and Illinois Unidos @DraCoquiMD -
Panel 2
Camille Busette Vice President and Director - Governance Studies, Director - Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative @CamilleBusette