

9:00 am EDT - 10:30 am EDT

Past Event

Healthy Marriage in Culturally and Racially Diverse Populations

  • Friday, September 19, 2008

    9:00 am - 10:30 am EDT

Rayburn House Office Building
House Ways and Means Subcommittee Hearing Room, B318

Washington, DC

Since 2002, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has provided substantial funding for healthy marriage and relationship programs, research and demonstrations. Prior to 2002, these programs were designed for—and have mostly served—white, middle-class, educated couples who were engaged or already married. The new ACF-funded programs are now reaching out to serve African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, refugees and immigrants from many different cultures. This discussion will focus on what is being learned about how these programs need to be designed, and curricula adapted, to be relevant to ethnically, racially and culturally diverse populations.

This is the third of three events being held in cooperation with The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Child Trends, Center for Law and Social Policy and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Panelists include ACF officials, the founders/directors of the African American Healthy Marriage Initiative and the Hispanic Healthy Marriage Initiative, and five of the nation’s experts in adapting healthy relationship and marriage programs to effectively meet the needs of African American, Hispanic and Native Americans.

Speakers and panelists will take questions from the audience


  • September 19
    • Welcome and Introduction

      Mary Myrick Founder and President
      Patrick Patterson Program Manager, National Healthy Marriage Resource Center
    • Moderator

      Dana Vickers Shelley Director of Strategic Communications, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
    • Panel 1: Cultural Competence

      Diann Dawson Director of Regional Operations and Co-Lead of the African-American Healthy Marriage Initiative, Administration for Children and Families
      Frank Fuentes Deputy Director of the Office of Head Start and National Director of the Hispanic Healthy Marriage Initiative, Administration for Children and Families
    • Panel 2: Challenges and Solutions

      Rozario Slack Independent Consultant and CEO, Black Marriage Publications
      Nisa Muhammed Founder, Wedded Bliss Foundation
      Alicia LaHoz Program Manager, Family Bridges
      Pam James Director, Leading the Next Generation Healthy Relationship Curriculum Development Project, Native Wellness Institute
      Gordon James Board Member, Native Wellness Institute