Globalization is hotly debated in today’s world. While some reject it for its potential negative impacts, many see globalization as a force that should be embraced, with potential benefits for jobs, wages, trade, and critical global issues like climate change. To achieve these benefits, the international community must actively shape globalization. In fact, on the single issue of climate change, the international community stands at a crossroads, one which demands foresighted leadership and a collective ability to protect the world’s environment. A central feature of globalization, trade agreements—bilateral, regional or international—provide unique opportunities to uphold wages, labor standards, health, and the environment.
On Tuesday, March 31, the Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development programs at Brookings hosted Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven for an address on the goals and benefits of globalization. Prime Minister Löfven also commented on current foreign policy challenges, following his recent trips to China and Ukraine where he met with leaders of those countries. Brookings President Strobe Talbott offered introductory remarks, and Vice President of Global Economy Kemal Derviş moderated the discussion.
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Globalization in a time of turmoil: A conversation with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden
March 31
Featured speaker
HESLHis Excellency Stefan Löfven Prime Minister of Sweden -