On March 1, the seventh annual military and federal fellow research symposium featured the independent research produced by members of the military services and federal agencies who are currently serving at think-tanks and universities across the nation. Organized by the fellows themselves, the symposium provides a platform for building greater awareness of the cutting-edge work that America’s military and governmental leaders are producing on key national security policy issues.
With presidential primary season well underway, it’s clear that whoever emerges in November 2016 as the next commander-in-chief will have their hands full with a number of foreign policy and national security choices. This year’s panels explored these developing issues and their prospects for resolution after the final votes have been counted. During their keynote conversation, the Honorable Michèle Flournoy discussed her assessment of the strategic threat environment with General John Allen, USMC (Ret.), who also provided opening remarks on strategic leadership and the importance of military and other federal fellowship experiences.
Beyond 2016: Security challenges and opportunities for the next administration
The next generation of terrorism
Harnessing technology in the future force
Keynote discussion: Assessing the strategic environment
To intervene, or not to intervene?
March 1
The future of the All-Volunteer Force
9:35 am
E.J. Dionne, Jr. W. Averell Harriman Chair and Senior Fellow - Governance Studies, Center for Effective Public Management @EJDionneCol. Valery Keaveny, Jr., USA CSA Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security - “The area under the curve: Developing strategic leaders to win in a complex world”Lt. Col. Victor H. Sundquist, USAR Army Reserve Fellow, Georgetown Institute for the Study of Diplomacy - “Adapting the Army Reserve for the future”Lt. Cmdr. Katie Jacobson, USN Federal Executive Fellow, RAND Corporation - "A junior officer's perspective" -
The next generation of terrorism
10:45 am
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Karen Meeker, USA U.S. Army War College Fellow, The Institute of World Politics - "War of beliefs: Battle for the soul"Lt. Col. Tracy Onufer, USAF Military Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies - "Islamist foreign fighter movements: 1980s through 2015"Lt. Col. Kathleen Turner, USA U.S. Army War College Fellow, United States Institute of Peace - "Femme fatale: The rise of female suicide bombers" -
Harnessing technology in the future force
12:20 pm
Kelley Sayler Associate Fellow, Defense Strategies and Assessments - Center for a New American Security -
To intervene, or not to intervene?
3:05 pm
Michael E. O’Hanlon Director of Research - Foreign Policy, Director - Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Co-Director - Africa Security Initiative, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology, Philip H. Knight Chair in Defense and Strategy @MichaelEOHanlonCol. John A. O’Grady, USA Military Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies - "U.S. Army European posture study: Assure allies and deter Russia" -
Keynote discussion: Assessing the strategic environment
1:30 pm
Hon. Michèle Flournoy Chief Executive Officer - Center for a New American Security -
11:50 am
Hon. Michèle Flournoy Chief Executive Officer - Center for a New American Security