The Brookings Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies (CNAPS) marks the beginning of its second year this month with the arrival of the second class of CNAPS Visiting Fellows, an ambitious series of programs, and the release of new research on Northeast Asian affairs.
The new center, unique in its focus on Northeast Asia, works to strengthen policy research and analysis on the pressing political, economic, and security issues facing U.S. interests in this important part of the world.
“CNAPS is enriching Brookings research on Northeast Asia and is creating a network of talented professionals from the region who are interested in public policy,” said Michael H. Armacost, Brookings President and former ambassador to Japan.
Directed by Brookings China-watcher Bates Gill, each year CNAPS hosts six prominent specialists from Northeast Asia for ten-month fellowships, sponsors an array of seminars, roundtables, and conferences, and issues a series of working papers providing timely analyses of current issues of concern to the continent.
Drawing on the Brookings Institution’s longstanding ties with the region, the Center gathers distinguished analysts and practitioners from Northeast Asia to collaborate with one another and with the Center’s own superb cadre of associated fellows, including Stephen Cohen on South Asia, William Gleysteen and Katy Oh on Korea, Nicholas Lardy on the Chinese economy, Edward Lincoln on the Japanese economy, and Robert Suettinger on Chinese foreign policy. Other Brookings Nonresident Senior Fellows, such as Mike Masato Mochizuki on Japanese politics and security and David Shambaugh on Chinese politics, also contribute to the work of the Center. Combining experience and insight, they analyze emerging regional concerns, seek cooperative solutions through sustained dialogue, and help break down the conflicting public policy perspectives that divide the region.
“The ten to twelve Northeast Asia specialists resident at Brookings form a critical mass of top-notch expertise and opinion, helping to shape more effective U.S. policy toward this region,” notes Brookings Vice President and Director of the Foreign Policy Studies Program, Richard N. Haass.
Centering around the theme of “The Northeast Asian Security Architecture,” the CNAPS Visiting Fellows for 1999-2000 comprise a particularly outstanding group.
They are:
CHU Shulong (China), Senior Research Fellow with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations
CHUNG Ok-nim (Korea), Fellow with the Sejong Institute and Member of the Working Advisory Group for the National Security Council
C. H. KWAN (Hong Kong), Senior Economist with the Nomura Research Institute
Alexandre MANSOUROV (Russia), former Research Associate with the Korea Institute, Harvard University, and former Russian diplomat in North Korea
SUGAWA Kiyoshi (Japan), Senior Researcher on security policy and Deputy General Manager for Policy Planning with the Democratic Party of Japan
YUAN I (Taiwan), Associate Research Fellow with the Institute of International Relations, at National Chengchi University
To meet with CNAPS-related researchers, or to find out more about the Center’s work, please contact the Visiting Fellows or the Center Director at Brookings by calling: (202) 797-6000.
Austin Horng-En Wang
March 13, 2025
Mireya Solís
March 10, 2025
February 25, 2025