
Beacon of Hatred

Inside Hizballah's al-Manar Television

Avi Jorisch
Release Date: November 1, 2004

Includes CD-ROM containing real al-Manar Footage (with subtitles)

This groundbreaking study explores Hizballah’s official television mouthpiece, al-Manar television. Self-labeled the “station of resistance,” Hizballah uses al-Manar as an effective weapon in its arsenal of war against both America and Israel. With viewers encouraged to carry out terrorist outrages and export the party’s fiery brand of revolution, al-Manar has been a potent instrument in keeping the Arab world focused on America’s role in the region, furthering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and building Hizballah’s credibility. Drawing on extensive research, including interviews with Hizballah officials, Avi Jorisch delves into the station’s history, provides an operational overview, and offers an in-depth content analysis of programming.
