13th annual Municipal Finance Conference


13th annual Municipal Finance Conference



Smoothing fracking’s boom/bust cycle

The Brookings Cafeteria Podcast: Smooting fracking's boom/bust cycle

Mark Muro, senior fellow and policy director of the Metropolitan Policy Program, discusses a plan to address the economic boom-bust cycle in states that rely heavily on “fracking” and how this plan can spur innovation, inclusive economic development, and de-carbonization in the U.S.

“Inclusive economic development is critical; it’s about widening the circle of prosperity to more people. An inclusive economy is a highly innovative one … one that provides many opportunities for building skills, and it is a sustainable one,” Muro says. “Sustainability is about smoothing the boom and bust cycles that are disruptive to people, communities, and the state economy. But it is also about a clean economy.”

Also in this podcast a Coffee Break from Eyerusalem Siba, research fellow with the Africa Growth Initiative in the Global Economy and Development program. Also stay tuned for our presidential election update with John Hudak.

Permanent trust funds: Funding economic change with fracking revenues (by Mark Muro and Devashree Saha)

Busted: State budgets feel fracking crash

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Thanks to audio producers Mark Hoelscher and Zack Kulzer, plus thanks to Carisa Nietsche, Bill Finan, Jessica Pavone, Eric Abalahin, Rebecca Viser, and our intern Sara Abdel-Rahim.

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