

The KDNLC is now the Network for Education Systems Transformation (NEST)


We are pleased to announce that the impact network previously known as the Knowing-Doing Network Leadership Coalition is now the Network for Education Systems Transformation (NEST). While our membership (CUE and 10 civil society organizations from the Global South) remains the same, our new name and refreshed mission better articulate our shared vision: catalyzing the transformation of education systems to provide a breadth of skills and learning opportunities that support all children and young people to thrive and reach their full potential.

Collaboration is at the heart of our network and refreshed identity

Since our inception, collaboration has been at the heart of our work. In our first year, we co-created a research agenda, explored education systems and skills development in our ten countries, reflected on our emerging identity as a network, and produced an introductory blog series about our early work. Identity-building is a foundational and integral part of working as a network, and through iterative discussions and collaborative inquiry, we have come to better understand who we are and what we aim to achieve. Names are deeply tied to identity, and this process revealed how important it is for partners to feel a sense of ownership and alignment with terminology that represents our shared mission. Through engaging in this participatory process, we also strengthened our commitment to flexibility and active listening, essential components of any sustainable collaborative venture.

What’s next for NEST in 2025?

As we move into 2025, NEST is beginning to build on its freshly articulated foundations. This year, we will focus on deepening our understanding of local education ecosystems and strengthening our collaboration. In this spirit, we will work to build the field of education systems transformation, producing the following knowledge in the process:

  • A series of commentaries addressing key themes in education systems transformation that are emerging from our synthesis of local contexts.
  • A white paper focused on our collective network position and strategy for authentic youth participation and engagement in our research
  • Country reports of local research projects implemented under our shared research agenda.
  • A synthesis of these country reports that codifies key thematic learnings for the global education community.

In addition, we will be designing and engaging in various global learning experiences including but not limited to:

  • KDN Collaboration Conversation on January 23: Collaborating across local and global contexts: Realities, challenges, and opportunities.
  • CUE Symposium on April 28 centered on youth voice and engagement where we intend to share our white paper and host a workshop.
  • NEST Global Gathering during UNGA 2025 where we will share the learnings from our in-country research on education systems transformation toward a breadth of skills for all learners.

As 2025 gets underway, we will be starting other collaborative research projects, including a refreshed Breadth of Learning Opportunities study. Through this research, we aim to identify opportunities for addressing gaps between policy and practice so that education systems can respond effectively to the skills needs of their young populations. This study will produce a process and tools that can be used by local education systems seeking to understand what breadth of skills policies and implementation look like in their systems and learning spaces. Findings and tools will be shared in 2026.

Starting the new year with our new name

This name change is an important milestone for the network as it highlights our ability to revisit foundational aspects of our identity when necessary, demonstrates our willingness to evolve in response to the needs of our members, and sets the stage for a profound year of research, learning, and sharing. While the process required time and effort, it built shared ownership and sets us up for more effective communication of our work and mandate. 

Stay in touch with NEST and its work

We invite you to learn more about NEST and our members, engage with our previous writing as the KDNLC, and to stay tuned for the events and publications detailed above. Please visit our new landing page here.  

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