Haass event
-Three Syria articles from Brookings in the past week (only the second) mentions Iran by name at all):
-The CENTCOM proceedings’ release could be highlighted: https://www.brookings.edu/research/reports/2013/05/centcom-middle-east-proceedings-2012
-Perhaps plug this Friday’s Ghannouchi talk? (Or it might be better for an Around Brookings post next week)
-Steve Pifer/Bruce Blair/Mike O’Hanlon event on nuclear arms reduction last week: https://www.brookings.edu/events/2013/05/22-reducing-nuclear-arms (video)
-Rep. Dreier and Joshua Meltzer piece, “Growing the Global Internet Economy by Ensuring the Free Flow of Data Across Borders”, https://www.brookings.edu/blogs/up-front/posts/2013/05/23-growing-global-internet-economy-dreier-meltzer – touches on issues of government restriction of the Internet in repressive nations
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02 Iran Around Brookings
May 30, 2013