

Tennessee, Colorado Governors to Discuss How Advanced Industries Drive Regional, National Innovation

On Thursday at 2:00 p.m., the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings hosts Governors Bill Haslam (R-Tenn.) and John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) for a discussion on how they are catalyzing innovation in their states’ advanced industry sectors, including aerospace and auto manufacturing. The governors will be joined by Bruce Katz, vice president and director of the program, Daniel Pacthod, director of Advanced Industries and Aerospace and Defense Practice at McKinsey & Co., and NPR correspondent Yuki Noguchi, who will moderate the discussion.

The event will be webcast live. Join the conversation on Twitter at #AdvIndustries

The event builds on two Advanced Industries Series reports issued by the Metro program last year:

advancedindustries002_16x9Launch! Taking Colorado’s Space Economy to the Next Level

This report was released at an event held at the History Colorado Center.


Drive! Moving Tennessee’s Automotive Sector Up the Value Chain

This report finds that the auto industry plays a critical role in the Tennessee economy and explores the new competitive environment that will challenge the state going forward.

Read more about why advanced industries matter.

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